Blood Pressure Support



Buchu Leaf (4:1 extract) 25mg, Folate 170mcg DFE (100mcg folic acid), Garlic Powder (bulb) 150mg, Green Tea Leaf (50% extract, decaffeinated) 15mg, Hawthorn Extract (leaf and flower) 175mg, Hibiscus Flower Powder 100mg, Juniper Berry Powder 15mg, Niacin (niacin granular) 2.5mg, Olive Leaf (18% extract) 125mg, Uva Ursi Leaf (4:1) extract) 15mg, Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 100mcg, Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 5mg, Vitamin C (as ascobic acid) 60mg


1 x 90's (90 capsules)


A plastic bottle packed in a paper box





大蒜粉,芙蓉花粉,橄欖葉(18%提取物),山楂提取物(葉和花),Buchu葉(4:1濃縮物),Uva Ursi葉(4:1濃縮),杜松子粉,綠茶葉(50%提取物)










    • 有助於穩定血壓的狀況
    • 有助於心血管健康
    • 幫助改善血管, 令血管更加健康
    • 有助於改善神經系統。
    • 有助於減緩衰老的過程。
    • 有助於提高血管彈性和減少堵塞的機會

What is Blood Pressure Support?

A superior product made from a combination of essential herbal and vitamin B, Garlic Powder (bulb), Hibiscus Flower Powder, Olive Leaf (18% extract), Hawthorn Extract (leaf and flower), Buchu Leaf (4:1 concentrate), Uva Ursi Leaf (4:1 concentrate), Juniper Berry Powder, and Green Tea Leaf (50% extract, decaffeinated).

Garlic powder, the essence of garlic, is a legitimate superfood that has positive effects on lowering cholesterol level by reducing blood plaque buildup in the arteries. It can also help to reduce blood pressure. Thus it supports cardiovascular health and stable cholesterol in the blood.

Hibiscus flower is rich in vitamin C, minerals and various antioxidants, while also helping to control blood pressure, cholesterol, as well as digestive, immune system and in gradual weight loss.

Hawthorn Extract can help improve healthy blood vessels and helps improve the nervous system.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. These free-radical fighting substances increase the body's ability to ward off disease and slow down degenerative processes of aging. Green tea contains catechins and polyphenols, forms of antioxidants known to improve blood vessels’ elasticity and reduce the chance of clogging which is best to support blood pressure. Green tea undergoes very little processing, allowing the natural antioxidants to remain intact and concentrated.

Benefits of Blood Pressure Support - It helps:

    • Stable blood pressure condition
    • Support cardiovascular Health
    • Improve healthy blood vessels
    • Improve the nervous system
    • Slow down degenerative processes of aging

參考 / References

    1. Garcia, M.L., Pontes, R.B., et al. "The antioxidant effects of green tea reduces blood pressure and sympathoexcitation in an experimental model of hypertension." Journal of Hypertension. 2017;35(2), 348–354. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.
    2. "Brewing evidence for tea's heart benefits." Harvard Medical School. Harvard Health Publishing. 19 Jun. 2015. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.
    3. Greyling, A., Ras, R.T., et al. "The Effect of Black Tea on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials." PLoS One. 2014; 9(7) e103247. Web. 25 Oct. 2017
    4. Ros E, et al. "Consumption of Plant Seeds and Cardiovascular Health: Epidemiologic and Clinical Trial Evidence." Circulation. 2013; 128(5): 553–565. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.
    5. Ros E. "Nuts and novel biomarkers of cardiovascular disease." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25 Mar. 2009. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.
    6. Tabassum, N., Ahmad, Feroz. "Role of natural herbs in the treatment of hypertension." Pharmacogn, Rev. Jan-Jun 2011; 5(9): 30–40. Web. 26. Oct. 2017.
    7. Yao Y., et al. "Curcumin Exerts its Anti-hypertensive Effect by Down-regulating the AT1 Receptor in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells." Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 25579. Web. 26 Oct. 2017.
    8. Cabrera C1, Artacho R, Giménez R. "Beneficial effects of green tea--a revie." J Am Coll Nutr. 2006 Apr;25(2):79-99.

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