CoQ10 120mg



Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) 120mg


1 x 60's (60 capsules)


A plastic bottle packed in a paper box





什麼是輔酶Q10; 泛醌

輔酶Q10 (CoQ10) 它是一種強大的抗氧化劑,是一種有助於將食物轉化為能量的物質。CoQ10 幾乎存在於身體的每個細胞中,尤其是心臟、大腦、心血管系統和肝臟。

抗氧化劑可以對抗體內稱為自由基的有害顆粒,自由基會破壞細胞膜,篡改 DNA,甚至導致細胞死亡。科學家認為自由基會導致衰老過程以及許多健康問題。

 輔酶 Q10 等抗氧化劑可以中和自由基,並可能減少甚至有助於防止自由基造成的某些損害,一些研究人員認為輔酶 Q10 可能有助於與心臟相關的狀況,因為它可以提高細胞的能量生成,防止血凝塊形成,並起到抗氧化劑的作用。


研究表明單獨服用或與其他藥物一起服用輔酶 Q10 補充劑可能有助於以下狀況

    • 心臟健康

CoQ10 有助於改善心臟健康。 一項臨床研究發現,在心臟手術後 3 天內每天服用輔酶 Q10 補充劑的人患胸痛的可能性較小。 多項臨床研究表明,輔酶 Q10 可能有助於預防自由基引,增強心臟功能和強化心血管,並降低手術恢復期心律不齊的發生率。其他臨床研究表明,輔酶 Q10 補充劑有助於減少腿部腫脹,減少肺部液體,使呼吸更容易,增加心臟手術後的運動能力。

    • 穩定血壓

研究人員得出結論,輔酶 Q10 具有穩定血壓作用。

    • 穩定高膽固醇

CoQ10 已被提議作為膽固醇穩定劑。 服用輔酶 Q10 補充劑可以使膽固醇恢復到正常水平。 此外,研究表明輔酶 Q10 可以減輕肌肉疼痛。

    • 穩定血糖

輔酶 Q10 補充劑有助於控制血糖水平。

    • 牙齦健康

輔酶 Q10 補充劑有助於加快牙齦問題癒合和組織修復,例如牙齦腫脹、出血、疼痛和發紅。

初步臨床研究還表明 CoQ10 可能:

  • 幫助增強免疫功能。
  • 強化血管,維持心血管健康。
  • 增加精子活力,提高男性生育能力
  • 提高心臟手術後人們的運動能力。
  • 幫助提高體力和心理健康。
  • 使皮膚恢復活力,幫助抗衰老並看起來更年輕。
  • 改善偏頭痛相關症狀。


輔酶 Q10作為軟凝膠補充劑使用。


對於 19 歲及以上的成年人:輔酶 Q10 補充劑的推薦劑量為每天 300毫克 (每天 1 粒軟膠囊)。 軟凝膠比膠囊或其他製劑更容易被吸收。 對於特定情況,可能會推薦更高的劑量。

CoQ10是脂溶性的。 它應該與含有脂肪的膳食一起服用,以便您的身體可以吸收它。 此外,晚上服用輔酶 Q10 可能有助於身體利用它的能力。輔酶 Q10 可作為軟凝膠補充劑使用。

What is Coenzyme Q10; Ubiquinone

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant and is a substance that helps convert food into energy. CoQ10 is found in almost every cell in the body, especially, heart, brain, cardiovascular system, and liver.

The antioxidants fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Scientists believe that the free radicals contribute to aging process, as well as a number of health problems.

The antioxidants, such as CoQ10, can neutralize the free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage caused by these free radicals. Some researchers believe that CoQ10 may help with heart-related conditions, because it can improve energy production in cells, prevent blood clot formation, and act as an antioxidant.


The studies suggest that taking coenzyme Q10 supplements, either by themselves or in with other drug therapies, may help prevent or treat the following conditions:

    • Heart Health

CoQ10 helps improve the heart health. One clinical study found that people who took daily CoQ10 supplements within 3 days of a heart surgery were less likely to have chest pain. Several clinical studies suggest that CoQ10 may help prevent heart damage caused by the free radicals, strengthen heart function and cardiovascular vessels, and lower the incidence of irregular heartbeat during the surgery recovery phase. Other clinical studies suggest that CoQ10 supplements help reduce swelling in the legs; reduce fluid in the lungs, making breathing easier; and increase exercise capacity after the heart operation.

    • Blood Pressure Support

Researchers concluded that CoQ10 has the potential to stabilize systolic blood pressure.

    • High Cholesterol Support

CoQ10 has been proposed as cholesterol stabilizer. Taking CoQ10 supplements can bring the cholesterol back to normal level. Plus, studies show that CoQ10 may reduce the muscle pain.

    • Blood Sugar support

CoQ10 supplements help control blood sugar level.

    • Gum Health

CoQ10 supplements help faster healing and tissue repair of gum problems, such as swelling, bleeding, pain, and redness of the gums.

Preliminary clinical studies also suggest that CoQ10 may:

  • help strengthen immune functions.
  • maintain cardiovascular health by strengthen blood vessel.
  • increase sperm motility and improve male fertility.
  • improve exercise capacity in people after heart surgery.
  • help improve physical stamina and mental health.
  • rejuvenate skin, help antiaging and look younger.
  • improve migraine related symptoms.

Available Forms:

CoQ10 is available as a supplement in softgel.

Suggested Use:

For adults 19 years and older: The recommended dose for CoQ10 supplementation is 300 mg   daily (1 softgel daily). Soft gels tend to be better absorbed than capsules or other preparations.

Higher doses may be recommended for specific conditions.

CoQ10 is a fat soluble. It should be taken with a meal containing fat so your body can absorb it.   Also, taking CoQ10 at night may help with the body's ability to use it.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. 



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