SIPRA 精華噴霧



香油, 啤酒花巴勒草, 薰衣草精油, 小鐵草, 水芹, 蛇茉莉 (Dainty Spurs)


1 x 15ml






玩 耐 啲 !

SIPRA 精華噴霧

SIPRA SERUM SPRAY 旨在幫助保持性愛持續更長時間和更強烈。

該天然噴霧劑源自四種強大的草藥,包括蛇茉莉(Dainty Spurs)、啤酒花巴勒草、小鐵草和水芹。

        • 蛇茉莉 (Dainty Spurs) 和啤酒花巴勒草可增強您的性耐力並滋補體力。
        • 小鐵草和水芹有助於增加陰莖血流量並刺激陰莖有效和持久的勃起。 因此,性愛時間延長了。


SIPRA 精華噴霧主要特點:

    • 增強耐力
    • 有助於延遲射精
    • 不到 5 分鐘開始起作用(快速動作)
    • 包含所有天然成分
    • 無需洗/擦/沖洗
    • 方便泵噴,塗抹方便
    • 方便攜帶,非常適合旅行和易於收藏口袋裡


    • 第 1 步 噴灑:將延時噴劑對準陰莖頂部(頭部)噴灑 3 - 5 次。
    • 第 2 步 按摩:用手輕輕按摩陰莖皮膚約3-5分鐘。 按摩後,用濕毛巾或抹布擦去手上的殘留物。
    • 第 3 步 開始:現在您可以享受更長時間的樂趣了!


    • 避免接觸眼睛
    • 請將物品放在兒童不能接觸的地方
    • 儲存在 30°C 以下
    • 遠離熱源和避免陽光直射


SIPRA SERUM SPRAY is designed to help keep the lovemaking going longer and stronger.

The spray is naturally derived from four powerful herbs including Snake Jasmine (Dainty Spurs), Hop Headed Barleria, Little Ironweed, and Para Cress.

        • Snake Jasmin (Dainty Spurs) and Hop Headed Barleria enhance your sexual stamina and nourish physical strength. 
        • Little Ironweed and Para Cress help increase penile blood flow and stimulate efficient and long lasting erection. Thus, the sexual time extended.

It also contains Clove oil and Lavender Essential Oil to awaken your masculinity, and increase your sexual arousal. 

SIPRA SERUM SPRAY key features:

    • Enhances stamina
    • Helps delay ejaculation
    • Take less than 5 minutes to kick in (rapid acting)
    • Contains all natural ingredients
    • No need to wash/wipe/rinse
    • Convenient pump spray, easy application
    • Easy to carry, very suitable for travel and putting in a pocket

How to use

    • Step 1 Spray: Point the delay spray toward the top (head) of the penis and spray 3 - 5 times.
    • Step 2 Massage: Gently massage the skin of the penis with your hand about 3 - 5 minutes. Once massaged, use a damp towel or wipe to wash off any residue from your hands.
    • Step 3 Play: Now, you are ready to enjoy the longer-lasting session!


    • Avoid contact with eyes
    • Keep out of reach of children
    • Store below 30°C 
    • Keep away from heat and direct sunlight


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f.) 由於個人喜好拒絕產品

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When you have received the goods and found that the products ordered are damaged, or not in good condition, you can report to us by going to “Contact us”. Please attach photos as proof when you are providing the information via email. Also, you have to send the products to our office for verification. Once the damaged products are verified and confirmed, we will arrange a courier to send a replacement product to you at no cost. If the products are sold out, we will refund your payment.

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a.) product(s) without the proof of purchase

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