Melatonin 3mg (chewable tablets)



Melatonin 3mg

Pack size

1 x 50's (50 chewable tablets)

Packaging presentation

A plastic bottle packed in a paper box

Product of









    • 睡眠問題 - 褪黑激素是一種天然成份,相信能幫助有睡眠疾病問題的人士。對有自閉症及心理缺陷或智力不足兒童,褪黑激素或許幫助他們的睡眠疾病問題。
    • 失眠 - 研究結果提議睡前一至一個半小時服用褪黑激素能幫助更快入睡。
    • 時差及輪班工作 - 褪黑激素減少因時差導致難入睡的重新適應時間,也減少日間疲勞。夜間工作及需要“通宵” 情況會打亂人體正常的生理時鐘,可引起疲倦、頭暈、及頭腦不清醒。睡前服用褪黑激素能幫助恢復正常的生理時鐘及緩和以上症狀。
    • 抗氧化劑 - 維他命C及榖胱甘肽只在水溶性情況下有活躍性的抗氧化功能,維他命EA在油溶性情況下有活躍性的抗氧化功能。而褪黑激素無論在水溶性及油溶性情況下都是有活躍性的抗氧化功能。
    • 對抗紫外線的皮膚保護 - 外用褪黑激素加上維他命CE或許展示光線保護的特性。因此,褪黑激素或用作天然的防曬劑。
    • 抗衰老 - 褪黑激素在恢復健康睡眠質素帶有正面的影響,亦可能解釋較長壽命的其中原因。印度一間大學The University of Rajasthan測試長期服用低劑量褪黑激素在對抗因年齡引起的氧化壓力對老鼠細胞組織的影響。研究結果說明,褪黑激素能減少因年齡引起的體內抗氧化系統衰落。這個研究也指出,褪黑激素扮演清除體內自由基及抗衰老的角色。
    • 偏頭痛 - 一些研究顯示出褪黑激素和頭痛是有關係的,但需要額外更多的研究才決定褪黑激素醫治偏頭痛的功效。在巴西聖保羅Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein,Dr. Mario Peres顯示出服用三個月後褪黑激素可減低頭痛的發生頻率至少五十百個份比(劑量:每晚睡前三十分鐘服用三毫克褪黑激素)。
    • 增強免疫力 - 研究顯示,褪黑激素可提供免疫力系統短暫性刺激。


每天在睡前或在醫療保健專家的指導下服用1片。 為了獲得最佳效果,吞嚥前要徹底咀嚼。



What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a remarkable hormone that works for not only as a sleep aid, but is a potent antioxidant immune booster and guardian of our aging clock, and has a rapid, mild sleepiness-inducing effect. Melatonin supplements may help people adapt to changes in sleep-wake schedules, as may occur after jet travel across many time zones or in shift work.

How does Melatonin benefit us?

    • Melatonin Sleep Aid/Melatonin as Natural Sleeping PillsMelatonin is a natural sleeping aid believed to help sleep disorders in both sighted and blind people.
    • Insomnia – Several studies suggest that melatonin taken orally one to one and a half hours before bedtime helps bring sleep more quickly.
    • Jet Lag and Work Shifts – Melatonin reduces the time it takes to re-establish normal sleep patterns and reduces both the time required to fall asleep and daytime tiredness. Working at night shifts or staying up all night upsets the biological clock of the body. Using melatonin before bedtime helps restore the biological clock function.
    • Melatonin as an Antioxidant – Melatonin is an antioxidant which is both active in the water and oil phase.
    • Anti-Aging / Longevity – The positive effects of melatonin on deep restorative sleep could also account for a longer life span.
    • Migraine Headache Reduction – Some studies have shown that Melatonin helped reduce the frequency of migraines after 3 months of administration (3 mg of Melatonin taken 30 minutes before bedtime).
    • Immune System Booster – Research shows that melatonin can provide a short term enhancement or stimulation of the immune system.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved a prolonged-release melatonin for patients aged 55 or over, as monotherapy for the short-term treatment (up to 13 weeks) of primary insomnia characterized by poor quality of sleep.


1 tablet daily at bedtime or as directed by a healthcare professional.

For best results, chew thoroughly before swallowing.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


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